

伊藤 全哉Ito Zenya

  • あいちせぼね病院 院長
伊藤 全哉



病院理念としては、医療法人 全医会創生の「心身全てにおける充実」の理念に基づき、地域医療への貢献と国際学術界における技術研究を続けて、より安全で温かみのある医療・福祉の提供を目指して参ります。


  1. 「抜苦与楽」
  2. 「独歩啓蒙」
  3. 「虚往実帰」
  4. 「愛語慈悲」
  5. 「脚下照顧」



  • 平成10年3月 名古屋大学 医学部 卒業
  • 平成10年4月 名古屋第一赤十字病院 整形外科
  • 平成15年4月 国立長寿医療研究センター 整形外科
  • 平成16年10月 愛知厚生連 渥美病院 整形外科
  • 平成17年4月 名古屋大学医学部付属病院 整形外科
  • 平成21年7月 Emory spine center (GA,Atlanta)
  • 平成22年10月 豊橋市民病院 整形外科 副部長
  • 平成23年5月 名古屋大学医学部付属病院 整形外科 助教
  • 平成28年4月 全医会 伊藤整形・内科あいち腰痛オペクリニック 副院長
  • 平成29年4月 あいちせぼね病院 院長


  • 日本整形外科学会 専門医
  • 医学博士
  • 日本脊椎脊髄病学会 脊椎脊髄外科指導医
  • 日本整形外科学会 脊椎内視鏡下手術・技術認定医
  • 日本脊椎脊髄病学会・日本脊髄外科学会 脊椎脊髄外科専門医
  • 日本整形外科学会 脊椎脊髄病医
  • 日体協公認スポーツドクター
  • AO Spine delegates
  • PASMISS board member
  • 日本脊髄機能診断学会 代議員

2009年より1年間アメリカ・アトランタのEmory Spine Centerにて留学・技術習得








  • 2020年12月25日(金) 放映
    「健康スイッチ みんなの保健室」名医が警鐘 コレは見逃さないで“膝関節&腰”の痛み(東海テレビ)
  • 2020年10月10日(土)放映
    『Doctor's Eye』(東京MX)
  • 2019年12月1日 放映
    『健康カプセル ゲンキの時間』痛みでわかる”腰痛の原因と対策”ドクターおすすめ「猫背体操」(CBCテレビ)
  • 2019年6月30日 放映
  • 2018年12月26日(水) 放映
  • 2018年11月28日(水)放映
    TBSテレビ(全国ネット) 午後19:00~21:00
    あいちせぼね病院 院長 伊藤全哉医師がスタジオ出演。
  • 2018年6月10日(日)放映
    『健康カプセル ゲンキの時間』「脊柱管狭窄症の恐怖」
    CBCテレビ(TBS系列全国28局ネット) 午前7:00~7:30
  • 2018年2月8日(木)放映
    東海テレビ(愛知・岐阜・三重) 午前9:50~11:15
    前回の東海TVスイッチの腰痛の予防&改善法に続き、今回も視聴者からの肩こり・首痛の悩みに答えて脊椎のスペシャリストあいちせぼね病院院長 伊藤全哉医師が、肩こり・首痛の悩みに答えて行きます。最新医療器具で体を切らずに経皮的内視鏡下椎間孔拡大術、2泊3日の低侵襲手術を紹介。
  • 2018年1月11日(木)放映
    東海テレビ(愛知・岐阜・三重) 午前9:50~11:15
    全日寒さが続くこの時期、足腰が痛い、疲れるような我慢できなほどの痛み、国民の約4分の1が患っているこの腰痛。脊椎のスペシャリストあいちせぼね病院院長 伊藤全哉医師がTV生出演。腰痛の予防&改善法、痛みの原因究明をわかりやすく解説、視聴者からの腰痛の悩みに答えて行きます。背椎ドックも紹介。
  • 2017年5月11日(木)放映
    東海テレビ(愛知・岐阜・三重) 午前9:50~11:15
    ※今や、国民病とも言われている・・・腰痛 「腰痛」に悩んでいる人は、なんと2800万人とも言われています。 でも、あきらめないで!!画期的な治療があるんです。 そこで、あいちせぼね病院院長 伊藤全哉医師がスタジオ生出演。 最新の腰痛治療から、そもそも腰痛にならないための簡単対策法まで 詳しく、丁寧に解説していきます。
  • 2017年3月19日放映
  • 2017年2月21日放映
    東海テレビ(愛知・岐阜・三重) 月~金 16:49~19:00、 土 17:30~18:00
  • 2016年12月17日放映
    日本テレビ系列(中京テレビ) 全国ネット 毎週土曜 22:00~


  • 2018年1月1日
    中日新聞 元日朝刊掲載
  • 2017年1月
    (公財)愛知県老人クラブ連合会機関紙 会員数34万人 年4回発行
  • 2017年1月20日
    中四国医事新報社 毎月1回(20日)発行 
    ※新院長に聞く 今春、「あいちせぼね病院」開院(取引企業協賛)
  • 2016年4月~
    朝日新聞 朝刊 東海三県 毎日掲載
    ※知って得する せぼね相談所(PR)


  • 「保険コンパス」(WEBサイト)
  • 「日経電子版」
  • 2020年9月24日
  • 2020年8月25日朝刊
  • 2020年8月4日号
  • 令和2年4月21日発売(4月30日号)
  • 2019年12月19日発売
    永久完全保存版 腰と首名医がすすめる本当の名医
  • 2018年2月20日 発売
    伊藤全哉院長 書籍発売のお知らせ
    「脊椎椎間板ヘルニアは内視鏡で治す たった『3ミリ』で手術ができる」が2月20日(火)発売となります。全国の書店、ネット通販にてお求めになれます。
  • 2017(予定)
    CCCメディアハウス  毎週火曜発売
    ※脊椎脊髄疾患治療 実力・実績医療機関(PR)
  • 2017年2月28日
    ギミック 年1回発売
  • 2017年2月16日号
    新潮社 毎週木曜発売
    ※脊椎脊髄疾患治療 実力・実績医療機関(PR)
  • 2016年12月22日号
    文芸春秋 毎週木曜発売
  • 2016年11月~
    「Doctor’s File ドクターズファイル」
    ギミック 「頼れるドクター」も発行している。


  • 2018 日本脊椎脊髄病学会優秀論文賞
  • 2015 先端研究支援助成獲得
  • 2015 文部科学省科研費獲得
  • 2014 長寿医療研究開発費獲得
  • 2012 アメリカ整形外科学会(AAOS)Guest Nation Poster Award
  • 2012 日本脊椎脊髄病学会 travelling fellowship
  • 2012 文部科学省科研費獲得
  • 2011 名古屋脊椎グループ優秀口演賞
  • 2011 ISTA(International society for technology in Arthroplasty) 最優秀論文賞
  • 2010 日本脊椎脊髄病学会優秀論文賞
  • 2009 名整会ベストレポート賞
  • 2009 日本整形外科・災害外科財団助成費獲得
  • 2009 上原財団海外留学助成費獲得
  • 2008 インストゥルメンテーション学会最優秀口演賞
  • 2008 APOA spine travelling fellowship Awards.
  • 2008 名古屋脊椎グループ最優秀論文賞
  • 2007 文部科学省科研費獲得
  • 2006 名整会基金受賞



  1. Zenya Ito, Harada A, Matsui Y, Takemura M, Wakao N, Suzuki T, Nihashi T, Kawatsu S, Shimokata H, Ishiguro N. Can you diagnose for vertebral fracture correctly by plain X-ray? Osteoporos Int. Nov;17(11):1584-91. 2006査読有
  2. Zenya Ito, Osawa Y, Matsuyama Y, Aoki T, Harada A, Ishiguro N.Recurrence of hypertrophic spinal pachymeningitis. Report of two cases and review of the literature. J Neurosurg Spine. Jun;4(6):509-13. 2006査読有
  3. Zenya Ito, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Imagama S, Wakao N, Ando K, Hirano K Bone union rate with autogenous iliac bone vs. local bone graft in posterior lumbar interbody fusion. Spine 2010 35(21):E1101-5. 査読有
  4. Zenya Ito, Shiro Imagama, Kenichi Hirano, Kei Ando, Kenji Kadomatsu. N-acetylglucosamine 6-O-sulfotransferase-1-deficient Mice Show Better Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurosci. 30, 5937-5947, 2010. 査読有
  5. Zenya Ito, Higashino K, Kato S, Kim SS, Wong E, Yoshioka K, Hutton WC.
    Pedicle Screws Can be 4 Times Stronger Than Lateral Mass Screws for Insertion in the Midcervical Spine: A Biomechanical Study on Strength of Fixation. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2012 Feb 27.
  6. Zenya Ito,, Imagama S, Sakai Y, Katayama Y, Wakao N, Ando K, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, El Zahlawy H, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    A new criterion for the alarm point for compound muscle action potentials. J Neurosurg Spine. 2012 Oct;17(4):348-56
  7. Zenya Ito, Shiro Imagama, Norimitsu Wakao, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi, Akio Muramoto.
    Bone union rate with autologous iliac bone vs. local bone graft in posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) ?A Multicenter study-
    Euro Spine Journal. 2012 Nov.
  8. Zenya Ito, Matsuyama Y, Shinomiya K, Ando M, Kawabata S, Kanchiku T, Saito T, Takahashi M, Taniguchi S, Yamamoto N, Yamada K, Kida K, Fujiwara Y, Kobayashi S, Satomi K, Tani T. Usefulness of multi-channels in intraoperative spinal cord monitoring: multi-center study by the monitoring committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and related research. Eur Spine J. 2013 Apr 4.
  9. Zenya Ito, Imagama S, Kanemura T, Satake K, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Yagi H, Hida T, Ito K, Ishikawa Y, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, El Zahlawy H, Yamaguchi H, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Volumetric change in interbody bone graft after posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF): a prospective study.
    Eur Spine J. 2014 Jun 19
  10. Zenya Ito, Kobayashi S, Matsuyama Y, Shinomiya K, Kawabata S, Ando M, Kanchiku T, Saito T, Takahashi M, Muramoto A, Fujiwara Y, Kida K, Yamada K, Wada K, Yamamoto N, Satomi K, Tani T.
    One of New Alarm Point in Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring -Relationship between Waveform Changes and Reduction in MMT-
    Asia Spine Journal 2016. In publishing
  11. Zenya Ito, Imagama S, Kanemura T, Satake K, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Yagi H, Hida T, Ito K, Ishikawa Y, Tsushima M, Matsumoto A, El Zahlawy H, Yamaguchi H, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.Variety of the wave change in Compound muscle action potential (CMAP)―Animal Testing Using Rats―
    Asia Spine Journal 2015 Dec;9(6):952-7.
  12. Zenya Ito, Kobayashi S, Matsuyama Y, Shinomiya K, Kawabata S, Ando M, Kanchiku T, Saito T, Takahashi M, Muramoto A, Fujiwara Y, Kida K, Yamada K, Wada K, Yamamoto N, Satomi K, Tani T.
    What is the Optimum Multi-Modality Combination for Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring? - Multi-center Study by the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research ?
    Global Spine Journal 2016 May;6(3):234-41.
  13. Zenya Ito, Matsuyama Y, Ando M, Kawabata S, Kanchiku T, Kida K, Fujiwara Y, Yamada K, Yamamoto N, Kobayashi S, Saito T, Wada K, Tadokoro N, Takahashi M, Satomi K, Shinomiya K, Tani T.
    Postoperative Paralysis from Thoracic Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL) Surgery-Risk factor of Neurologic Injury: Nationwide Multi-Institution Survey.
    Spine. 2016 Mar 26.
  14. Ito Z, Shibayama M, Nakamura S, Yamada M, Kawai M, Shimizu K, Takuechi M, Yoshimatsu H, Kuraishi K, Hoshi N, Taguchi M, Miura Y, Ito F.
    Postoperative Outcomes After Transsacral Epiduroscopic Laser Decompression in Japanese Patients: Denervation Therapy for Discogenic Low-Back Pain.
    Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2020(38):507-511.
  15. Ito Z, Shibayama M, Nakamura S, Yamada M, Kawai M, Takeuchi M, Yoshimatsu H, Kuraishi K, Hoshi N, Miura Y, Ito F.
    Clinical Comparison of Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Laminectomy versus Micro endoscopic Laminectomy for Single-Level Laminectomy: A Single-Center, Retrospe ctive Analysis.
    World Neurosurg. 2021(148):e581-e588.


  1. Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito. (他8名2番目) The effect of β-carotene on lumbar osteophyte formation. Spine 2011掲載決定,査読有
  2. Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi, Akio Muramoto. (他7名2番目) Differentiation of localization of spinal hemangioblastomas based on imaging and pathological findings. Eur Spine J. 20(8):1377-84. 2011. 査読有
  3. Shiro Imagama, Yukiharu Hasegawa, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Zenya Ito.(他3名4番目)Influence of sagittal balance and physical ability associated with exercise on quality of life in middle-aged and elderly people. Archives of Osteoporosis, 2011掲載決定,査読有
  4. Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Atsushi Harada(他22名2番目) An arterial pulse examination is not sufficient for diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease in lumbar spinal canal stenosis: a prospective multicenter study. Spine; 36(15): 1204-10, 2011. 査読有
  5. Norimitsu Wakao, Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi, Akio Muramoto, Hiroki Matsui, Tomohiro Matsumoto(他2名3番目) Total en bloc spondylectomy for L2 chordoma: a case report. Nagoya J Med Sci.73(3-4):197-203: 2011. 査読有
  6. Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi, Akio Muramoto(他5名2番目)Predictors of aggravation of cervical spine instability in rheumatoid arthritis: the Large Joint Index, J Orthop Science, 15, 540-546, 2010. 査読有
  7. Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Norimitsu Wakao, Kei Ando, Kenichi Hirano, Ryoji Tauchi , Akio Muramoto(他12名2番目) Image classification of idiopathic spinal cord herniation based on symptom severity and surgical outcome: a multicenter study ,J Neurosurg Spine, 2009;11:310-319. 査読有
  8. Yoshito Katayama, Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito (他11名5番目)Clinical and radiographic outcomes of posterolateral lumbar spine fusion in humans using recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2: an average five-year follow-up study. Int Orthop. 2009 33(4):1061-7. 査読有
  9. Yoshito Katayama, Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito. (他7名6番目)Segmental pedicle screwing for idiopathic scoliosis using computer-assisted surgery. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2008 May;21(3):181-6. 査読有
  10. Sakai Y, Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito. (他5名6番目)The effect of muscle relaxant on the paraspinal muscle blood flow: a randomized controlled trial in patients with chronic low back pain. Spine. 2008 Mar 15;33(6):581-7. 査読有
  11. Yoshihito Sakai, Yukihiro Matsuyama, Shiro Imagama, Zenya Ito, Naoki Ishiguro(他5名8番)Association of gene polymorphisms with intervertebral disc degeneration and vertebral osteophyte formation. Spine. 2007;32(12):1279-86. 査読有
  12. Ishikawa Y, Kanemura T, Yoshida G, Matsumoto A, Zenya Ito, Tauchi R(他3名5番)Intraoperative, full-rotation, three-dimensional image (O-arm)-based navigation system for cervical pedicle screw insertion. J Neurosurg Spine. 2011掲載決定,査読有
  13. Ishikawa Y, Kanemura T, Yoshida G, Zenya Ito, Muramoto A, Ohno S. Clinical accuracy of three-dimensional fluoroscopy-based computer-assisted cervical pedicle screw placement: a retrospective comparative study of conventional versus computer-assisted cervical pedicle screw placement. J Neurosurg Spine. 2010 Nov;13(5):606-11. 査読有
  14. Sakai Y, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Wakao N, Ishiguro N, Watanabe H(他7名4番目)
    Is decompressive surgery effective for spinal cord sarcoidosis accompanied with compressive cervical myelopathy? Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2010 Nov 1;35(23):E1290-7. 査読有
  15. Sakai Y, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Wakao N, Ishiguro N. Clinical utility of multidetector row computed tomography for diagnosing spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas undiagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2010 Jul;10(3):255-63. 査読有
  16. Yanase M, Matsuyama Y, Mori K, Nakamichi Y, Yano T, Naruse T, Sakai Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, (他9名6番目)Intraoperative spinal cord monitoring of C5 palsy after cervical laminoplasty. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2010 May;23(3):170-5. 読有
  17. Hirano K, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Katayama Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, (他7名6番目)Surgical complications and management of occipitothoracic fusion for cervical destructive lesions in RA patients. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2010 Apr;23(2):121-6. 査読有
  18. Sakai Y, Matsuyama Y, Katayama Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, (他5名10番目)Spinal myxopapillary ependymoma: neurological deterioration in patients treated with surgery. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2009 Jul 1;34(15):1619-24.
  19. Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Katayama Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, (他5名7番目)Surgical results of intramedullary spinal cord tumor with spinal cord monitoring to guide extent of resection. J Neurosurg Spine. 2009 May;10(5):404-13. 査読有
  20. Yin J, Sakamoto K, Zhang H, Zenya Ito, Imagama S, (他4名5番目)Transforming growth factor-beta1 upregulates keratan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis in microglias after brain injury. Brain Res. 2009 Mar 31;1263:10-22. Epub 2009 Feb 3. 査読有
  21. Maruyama K, Matsuyama Y, Yanase M, Sakai Y, Katayama Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, (他7名7番目)The relationship between the type of destructive spondyloarthropathy and its 10 years ago cervical spine alignment. Eur Spine J. 2009 Jun;18(6):900-4. Epub 2009 Apr 8. 査読有
  22. Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Katayama Y, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, (他5名7番目)Indirect posterior decompression with corrective fusion for ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the thoracic spine: is it possible to predict the surgical results? Eur Spine J. 2009 Jul;18(7):943-8. Epub 2009 Apr 4. 査読有
  23. Yukawa Y, Kato F, Ito K, Horie Y, Hida T, Zenya Ito, Matsuyama Y. Laminoplasty and skip laminectomy for cervical compressive myelopathy: range of motion, postoperative neck pain, and surgical outcomes in a randomized prospective study.
    Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2007 Aug 15;32(18):1980-5. 査読有
  24. Katayama Y, Matsuyama Y, Yoshihara H, Sakai Y, Nakamura H, Nakashima S, Zenya Ito, Ishiguro N. Comparison of surgical outcomes between macro discectomy and micro discectomy for lumbar disc herniation: a prospective randomized study with surgery performed by the same spine surgeon. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2006 Jul;19(5):344-7. 査読有
  25. Nakashima S, Matsuyama Y, Yu Y, Katayama Y, Zenya Ito, Ishiguro N. Expression of GDNF in spinal cord injury and its repression by ONO-1714. Neuroreport. 2005 Jan 19;16(1):17-20. 査読有
  26. Hirano K, Imagama S, Sato K, Kato F, Yukawa Y, Yoshihara H, Kamiya M, Deguchi M, Kanemura T, Matsubara Y, Inoh H, Kawakami N, Takatsu T, Zenya Ito, Wakao N, Ando K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Primary spinal cord tumors: review of 678 surgically treated patients in Japan. A multicenter study. Eur Spine J. 2012 May 12.
  27. Nakashima H, Imagama S, Sakai Y, Nakamura H, Katayama Y, Wakao N, Imagama S, Wakao N, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Ando K, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Dumbbell-type hemangiopericytoma in the cervical spine: a case report and review. J Orthop Sci. 2012 Apr 14.
  28. Ando K, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Sakai Y, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Differentiation of Spinal Schwannomas and Myxopapillary Ependymomas: MR Imaging and Pathologic Features. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2012 Mar 27
  29. Nakashima H, Yukawa Y, Ito K, Machino M, Kanbara S, Morita D, Takahashi H, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Ishiguro N, Kato F.
    Prediction of lower limb functional recovery after laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy: focusing on the 10-s step test.
    Eur Spine J. 2012 Mar 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  30. Hirano K, Imagama S, Oishi Y, Kanayama Y, Ito Z, Wakao N, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Progression of cervical instabilities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 5.7 years after their first lower limb arthroplasty.
    Mod Rheumatol. 2012 Jan 14. [Epub ahead of print]
  31. Imagama S, Hasegawa Y, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Zenya Ito, Hamajima N, Ishiguro N.
    Influence of sagittal balance and physical ability associated with exercise on quality of life in middle-aged and elderly people.
    Arch Osteoporos. 2011 Dec;6(1-2):13-20. Epub 2011 Feb 11.
  32. Imagama S, Sakamoto K, Tauchi R, Shinjo R, Ohgomori T, Zenya Ito, Zhang H, Nishida Y, Asami N, Takeshita S, Sugiura N, Watanabe H, Yamashita T, Ishiguro N, Matsuyama Y, Kadomatsu K. Keratan sulfate restricts neural plasticity after spinal cord injury. J Neurosci. 2011 Nov 23;31(47):17091-102.
  33. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Ando K, Hirano K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Kato F, Yukawa Y, Sato K, Kanemura T, Yoshihara H, Kamiya M, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Complications and outcomes of posterior fusion in children with atlantoaxial instability. Eur Spine J. 2011 Nov 24. [Epub ahead of print]
  34. 44. Wakao N, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Ando K, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. A case of split notochord syndrome: an adult with a spinal endodermal cyst mimicking an intramedullary tumor.
    Neuropathology. 2011 Dec;31(6):626-31.
  35. Wakao N, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Ando K, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Total en bloc spondylectomy for L2 chordoma: a case report. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2011 Aug;73(3-4):197-203.
  36. Ishikawa Y, Kanemura T, Yoshida G, Matsumoto A, Zenya Ito, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Ohno S, Nishimura Y.
    Intraoperative, full-rotation, three-dimensional image (O-arm)-based navigation system for cervical pedicle screw insertion.
    J Neurosurg Spine. 2011 Nov;15(5):472-8. Epub 2011 Jul 15.
  37. Wakao N, Imagama S, Zenya Ito, Ando K, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Clinical outcome of treatments for spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas: results of multivariate analysis and review of the literature.
    Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Mar 15;37(6):482-8.
  38. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Sakai Y, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Differentiation of Spinal Schwannomas and Myxopapillary Ependymomas: MR Imaging and Pathologic Features.
    J Spinal Disord Tech. 2012 Mar 27. [Epub ahead of print]
  39. Nakashima H, Yukawa Y, Ito K, Machino M, Kanbara S, Morita D, Takahashi H, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ishiguro N, Kato F.
    Prediction of lower limb functional recovery after laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy: focusing on the 10-s step test.
    Eur Spine J. 2012 Jul;21(7):1389-95.
  40. Hirano K, Imagama S, Oishi Y, Kanayama Y, Ito Z, Wakao N, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.Progression of cervical instabilities in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 5.7 years after their first lower limb arthroplasty. Mod Rheumatol. 2012 Sep;22(5):743-9.
  41. Imagama S, Hasegawa Y, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Ito Z, Hamajima N, Ishiguro N.
    Influence of sagittal balance and physical ability associated with exercise on quality of life in middle-aged and elderly people.
    Arch Osteoporos. 2011 Dec;6(1-2):13-20.
  42. Imagama S, Sakamoto K, Tauchi R, Shinjo R, Ohgomori T, Ito Z, Zhang H, Nishida Y, Asami N, Takeshita S, Sugiura N, Watanabe H, Yamashita T, Ishiguro N, Matsuyama Y, Kadomatsu K.
    Keratan sulfate restricts neural plasticity after spinal cord injury.
    J Neurosci. 2011 Nov 23;31(47):17091-102.
  43. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Hirano K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Kato F, Yukawa Y, Sato K, Kanemura T, Yoshihara H, Kamiya M, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Complications and outcomes of posterior fusion in children with atlantoaxial instability.
    Eur Spine J. 2012 Jul;21(7):1346-52.
  44. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Yukawa Y, Kanemura T, Ishiguro N.
    Surgical treatment for chronic atlantoaxial rotatory fixation in children.
    J Pediatr Orthop B. Jun 12. [Epub ahead of print]
  45. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Ukai J, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
    Atlantoaxial rotatory fixation in a child after bilateral otoplastic surgery.
    Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2013 Jun 11. [Epub ahead of print]
  46. Muramoto A, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y.
    Threshold values of physical performance tests for locomotive syndrome.
    J Orthop Sci. 2013 Mar 30. [Epub ahead of print]
  47. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Ishiguro N.
    Removal of thoracic dumbbell tumors through a single-stage posterior approach: its usefulness and limitations.
    J Orthop Sci. 2013 May;18(3):380-7.
  48. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Muramoto A, Kato F, Yukawa Y, Kawakami N, Sato K, Matsubara Y, Kanemura T, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Predictive Factors for a Poor Surgical Outcome With Thoracic Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum by Multivariate Analysis: A Multicenter Study.
    Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print]
  49. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Sakai Y, Ito Z, Ando K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Ishiguro N.
    The correlation between cervical range of motion and misplacement of cervical pedicle screws during cervical posterior spinal fixation surgery using a CT-based navigation system.
    Eur Spine J. Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print]
  50. Imagama S, Ito Z, Wakao N, Seki T, Hirano K, Muramoto A, Sakai Y, Matsuyama Y, Hamajima N, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y.
    Influence of spinal sagittal alignment, body balance, muscle strength, and physical ability on falling of middle-aged and elderly males.
    Eur Spine J. 2013 Jun;22(6):1346-53.
  51. Hirano K, Imagama S, Matsuyama Y, Kawakami N, Yukawa Y, Kato F, Hachiya Y, Kanemura T, Kamiya M, Deguchi M, Ito Z, Wakao N, Ando K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Ishiguro N.
    Surgically Treated Cases of Lumbar Spondylolysis and Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: A Multicenter Study.
    J Spinal Disord Tech. 2012 Dec 3. [Epub ahead of print]
  52. Muramoto A, Imagama S, Ito Z, Wakao N, Ando K, Tauchi R, Hirano K, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Matsuyama Y, Ishigro N.
    The cutoff amplitude of transcranial motor-evoked potentials for predicting postoperative motor deficits in thoracic spine surgery.
    Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Jan 1;38(1):E21-7.
  53. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Ishiguro N.
    Cervical myelopathy caused by bilateral C1-2 dumbbell ganglioneuromas and C2-3 and C3-4 neurofibromas associated with neurofibromatosis type 1.
    J Orthop Sci. 2012 Oct 6. [Epub ahead of print]
  54. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Inoh H, Yukawa Y, Kanemura T, Sato K, Matsubara Y, Harada A, Hachiya Y, Kamiya M, Yoshihara H, Ito Z, Ando K, Ishiguro N.
    Risk factors for a poor outcome following surgical treatment of cervical spondylotic amyotrophy: a multicenter study.
    Eur Spine J. 2013 Jan;22(1):156-61.
  55. Hirano K, Imagama S, Hasegawa Y, Ito Z, Muramoto A, Ishiguro N.
    The influence of locomotive syndrome on health-related quality of life in a community-living population.
    Mod Rheumatol. 2012 Sep 21. [Epub ahead of print]
  56. Muramoto A, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y.
    Physical performance tests are useful for evaluating and monitoring the severity of locomotive syndrome.
    J Orthop Sci. 2012 Nov;17(6):782-8.
  57. Imagama S, Ito Z, Wakao N, Ando K, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsui H, 65.Matsumoto T, Sakai Y, Katayama Y, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Posterior Surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis With Pedicle Screws and Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene Tape: Achieving the Ideal Thoracic Kyphosis.
    J Spinal Disord Tech. 2012 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print]
  58. Kato S, Murakami H, Higashino K, Okada M, Ito Z, Demura S, Kawahara N, Tomita K, Tsuchiya H, Hutton WC.
    The effect of spinal shortening after total en bloc spondylectomy: a biomechanical study in the thoracic spine.
    J Spinal Disord Tech. 2012 Aug;25(6):E183-90.
  59. Hirano K, Imagama S, Sato K, Kato F, Yukawa Y, Yoshihara H, Kamiya M, Deguchi M, Kanemura T, Matsubara Y, Inoh H, Kawakami N, Takatsu T, Ito Z, Wakao N, Ando K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Primary spinal cord tumors: review of 678 surgically treated patients in Japan. A multicenter study.
    Eur Spine J. 2012 Oct;21(10):2019-26.
  60. Nakashima H, Imagama S, Sakai Y, Nakamura H, Katayama Y, Ito Z, Wakao N, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Dumbbell-type hemangiopericytoma in the cervical spine: a case report and review.
    J Orthop Sci. 2012 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print]
  61. Kanemura T, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Yoshida G, Sakai Y, Itoh Z, Imagama S, Kawakami N.
    The maturation of grafted bone after posterior lumbar interbody fusion with an interbody carbon cage: a prospective five-year study.
    J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011 Dec;93(12):1638-45
  62. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjo R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
    Unilateral instrumented fixation for cervical dumbbell tumors.
    J Orthop Surg Res. 2014 Jan 20;9(1):2.
  63. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Hirano K, Ukai J, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Muramoto A, Nakashima H, Matsumoto T, Ishiguro N.
    cute pancreatitis after spine surgery: a case report and review of literature.
    Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2013 Dec 8.
  64. Kobayashi S, Matsuyama Y, Shinomiya K, Kawabata S, Ando M, Kanchiku T, Saito T, Takahashi M, Ito Z, Muramoto A, Fujiwara Y, Kida K, Yamada K, Wada K, Yamamoto N, Satomi K, Tani T.
    A new alarm point of transcranial electrical stimulation motor evoked potentials for intraoperative spinal cord monitoring: a prospective multicenter study from the Spinal Cord Monitoring Working Group of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research.
    J Neurosurg Spine. 2014 Jan;20(1):102-7.
  65. Hirano K, Imagama S, Hasegawa Y, Ito Z, Muramoto A, Ishiguro N.
    Impact of low back pain, knee pain, and timed up-and-go test on quality of life in community-living people.
    J Orthop Sci. 2014 Jan;19(1):164-71.
  66. Matsumoto T, Imagama S, Ito Z, Imai R, Kamada T, Shimoyama Y, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N. Total spondylectomy following carbon ion radiotherapy to treat chordoma of the mobile spine.
    Bone Joint J. 2013 Oct;95-B(10):1392-5.
  67. Yoshida G, Kanemura T, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Ito Z, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    The effects of surgery on locomotion in elderly patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy.
    Eur Spine J. 2013 Nov;22(11):2545-51.
  68. Hirano K, Imagama S, Matsuyama Y, Kawakami N, Yukawa Y, Kato F, Hachiya Y, Kanemura T, Kamiya M, Deguchi M, Ito Z, Wakao N, Ando K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Ishiguro N.
    Surgically Treated Cases of Lumbar Spondylolysis and Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: A Multicenter Study.
    J Spinal Disord Tech. 2013 Nov 8.
  69. Hirano K, Imagama S, Hasegawa Y, Ito Z, Muramoto A, Ishiguro N.
    The influence of locomotive syndrome on health-related quality of life in a community-living population.
    Mod Rheumatol. 2013 Sep;23(5):939-44.
  70. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Inoh H, Yukawa Y, Kanemura T, Sato K, Matsubara Y, Harada A, Sakai Y, Hachiya Y, Kamiya M, Yoshihara H, Ito Z, Ando K, Hirano K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Ukai J, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Nakashima H, I shiguro N.
    Appropriate timing of surgical intervention for the proximal type of cervical spondylotic amyotrophy.
    Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2014 Jul 5.
  71. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjo R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
    Radiologic evaluation after posterior instrumented surgery for thoracic ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament: union between rostral and caudal ossifications.
    J Spinal Disord Tech. 2014 May;27(3):181-4.
  72. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Inoh H, Yukawa Y, Kanemura T, Sato K, Sakai Y, Kamiya M, Yoshihara H, Ito Z, Ando K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Ukai J, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Nakashima H, Morozumi M, Ishiguro N. Characteristics and surgical results of the distal type of cervical spondylotic amyotrophy.
    J Neurosurg Spine. 2014 Jun 13:1-6
  73. Muramoto A, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Tauchi R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Matsuyama Y, Ishigro N.
    The Cutoff Amplitude of Transcranial Motor Evoked Potentials for Transient Postoperative Motor Deficits in Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumor Surgery.
    Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2014 May 28.
  74. Kanemura T, Matsumoto A, Ishikawa Y, Yamaguchi H, Satake K, Ito Z, Yoshida G, Sakai Y, Imagama S, Kawakami N.
    Radiographic changes in patients with pseudarthrosis after posterior lumbar interbody arthrodesis using carbon interbody cages: a prospective five-year study.
    J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 May 21;96(10):e82.
  75. Muramoto A, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y.
    Waist circumference is associated with locomotive syndrome in elderly females.
    J Orthop Sci. 2014 Mar 26.
  76. Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjo R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Recurrence of solitary fibrous tumor of the cervical spinal cord  Nagoya J Med Sci. 2014 Feb;76(1-2):217-23.
  77. Matsui H, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsumoto T, Ishiguro N Chronic spontaneous lumbar epidural hematoma simulating extradural spinal tumor: a case report. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2014 Feb;76(1-2):195-201.
  78. Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Matsubara Y, Yoshihara H, Hirano K, Ito Z, Ando K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjo R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
    Intradural disc herniation: Radiographic findings and surgical results with a literature review.
    Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2014 Jul 11;125C:47-51.
  79. Nakajima M, Takahashi A, Tsuji T, Karasugi T, Baba H, Uchida K, Kawabata S, Okawa A, Shindo S, Takeuchi K, Taniguchi Y, Maeda S, Kashii M, Seichi A, Nakajima H, Kawaguchi Y, Fujibayashi S, Takahata M, Tanaka T, Watanabe K, Kida K, Kanchiku T, Ito Z, Mori K, Kaito T, Kobayashi S, Yamada K, Takahashi M, Chiba K, Matsumoto M, Furukawa K, Kubo M, Toyama Y; Genetic Study Group of Investigation Committee on Ossification of the Spinal Ligaments, Ikegawa S.
    A genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine.
    Nat Genet. 2014 Sep;46(9):1012-6.
  80. Shinjo R, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Kadomatsu K.
    Keratan sulfate expression is associated with activation of a subpopulation of microglia/macrophages in Wallerian degeneration.
    Neurosci Lett. 2014 Sep 5;579:80-5.
  81. Tauchi R, Imagama S, Inoh H, Yukawa Y, Kanemura T, Sato K, Matsubara Y, Harada A, Sakai Y, Hachiya Y, Kamiya M, Yoshihara H, Ito Z, Ando K, Hirano K, Muramoto A, Matsui H, Matsumoto T, Ukai J, Kobayashi K, Shinjo R, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N. Appropriate timing of surgical intervention for the proximal type of cervical spondylotic amyotrophy.
    Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2014 Jul 5.
  82. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjo R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
    Progressive relapse of ligamentum flavum ossification following decompressive surgery.
    Asian Spine J. 2014 Dec;8(6):835-9.
  83. Uehara K, Ito Z, Yoshino Y, Arimoto A, Kato T, Nakamura H, Imagama S, Nishida Y, Nagino M.
    Aggressive surgical treatment with bony pelvic resection for locally recurrent rectal cancer.
    Eur J Surg Oncol. 2015 Mar;41(3):413-20.
  84. Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjo R, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Ponte Osteotomy During Dekyphosis for Indirect Posterior Decompression with Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament of the Thoracic Spine. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2014 Oct 16.
  85. Nakashima H, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Matsui H, Hirano K, Tauchi R, Muramoto A, Matsumoto T, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
    Intraoperative neurological deterioration secondary to spinal kyphotic change after cervicothoracic junction laminectomy.
    Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2014 Dec 1;39(25):E1549-51.
  86. Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Tsunekawa S, Hosokawa K, Watanabe M, Ito Z, Ando K, Ishiguro N.
    Spinal metastasis from struma ovarii: case report and review of the literature.
    Asian Spine J. 2015 Apr;9(2):281-5.
  87. Nakashima H, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Ukai J, Muramoto A, Shinjyo R, Matsumoto T, Yamauchi I, Satou A, Ishiguro N.
    Primary cauda equina lymphoma: case report and literature review.
    Nagoya J Med Sci. 2014 Aug;76(3-4):349-54.
  88. Kato S, Murakami H, Higashino K, Okada M, Ito Z, Demura S, Kawahara N, Tomita K, Tsuchiya H, Hutton WC.
    The effect of spinal shortening after total en bloc spondylectomy: a biomechanical study in the thoracic spine.
    J Spinal Disord Tech. 2012 Aug;25(6):E183-90
  89. Analysis of cervical kyphosis and spinal balance in young idiopathic scoliosis patients classified by the apex of thoracic kyphosis.
    Ito K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
    Eur Spine J. 2016 Jul 18.
  90. MRI Signal Intensity Classification in Cervical Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament -Predictor Of Surgical Outcomes.Ito K, Imagama S, Ito K, Ito Z, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Machino M, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N, Kato F.
    Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 May 26.
  91. Utility of a Computed Tomography-Based Navigation System (O-Arm) for En Bloc Partial Vertebrectomy for Lung Cancer Adjacent to the Thoracic Spine: Technical Case Report.
    Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Yokoi K, Ishiguro N.
    Asian Spine J. 2016 Apr;10(2):360-5.
  92. Screw fixation for atlantoaxial dislocation related to Down syndrome in children younger than 5 years.
    Ito K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ishikawa Y, Ishiguro N.
    J Pediatr Orthop B. 2016 Mar 28. [Epub ahead of print]
  93. 103, Delayed Onset of Subdural Hematoma following Epidural Catheter Breakage.
    Ishikawa Y, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Gotoh M, Nishiwaki K, Nagao Y, Ishiguro N.
    Global Spine J. 2016 Feb;6(1):e1-6.
  94. Spinal sagittal balance substantially influences locomotive syndrome and physical performance in community-living middle-aged and elderly women.
    Muramoto A, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y.
    J Orthop Sci. 2016 Mar;21(2):216-21.
  95. Treatment of perimedullary arteriovenous fistula of the spinal cord by superselective neuroendovascular therapy: A case report and literature review.
    Matsumoto T, Imagama S, Miyachi S, Izumi T, Matsui H, Muramoto A, Tauchi R, Ando K, Ito Z, Ishiguro N.
    J Orthop Sci. 2016 Jan;21(1):86-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jos.2015.05.001. Epub 2015 Jun 11. No abstract available.
  96. Tuberculous meningitis with dementia as the presenting symptom after intramedullary spinal cord tumor resection.
    Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Yagi H, Shinjo R, Hida T, Ito K, Ishikawa Y, Matsuyama Y, Ishiguro N.
    Nagoya J Med Sci. 2015 Nov;77(4):653-7.
  97. Predictive factors for a distal adjacent disorder with L3 as the lowest instrumented vertebra in Lenke 5C patients.
    Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima A, Ishikawa Y, Matsumoto A, Nishida Y, Ishiguro N.
    Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2016 Jan;26(1):59-66.
  98. Is a Drain Tip Culture Required After Spinal Surgery?
    Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Yagi H, Hida T, Ito K, Ishikawa Y, Tsushima M, Ishiguro N.
    Clin Spine Surg. 2016 Jul 14.
  99. How do spinal schwannomas progress? The natural progression of spinal schwannomas on MRI.
    Ando K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Kobayashi K, Yagi H, Hida T, Ito K, Tsushima M, Ishikawa Y, Ishiguro N.
    J Neurosurg Spine. 2016 Jan;24(1):155-9.
  100. Utility of a 3-dimensional full-scale NaCl model for rib strut grafting for anterior fusion for cervicothoracic kyphosis.
    Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Muramoto A, Ito Z, Ando K, Yagi H, Hida T, Ito K, Ishikawa Y, Tsushima M, Ishiguro N.
    Nagoya J Med Sci. 2015 Aug;77(3):525-30.
  101. Fatal case of cervical blunt vascular injury with cervical vertebral fracture: a case report.
    Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Okura T, Yoshihara H, Ito Z, Ando K, Ukai J, Shinjo R, Muramoto A, Matsumoto T, Nakashima H, Ishiguro N.
    Nagoya J Med Sci. 2015 Aug;77(3):507-14.
  102. Hyperamylasemia and pancreatitis following posterior spinal surgery.
    Kobayashi K, Imagama S, Ito Z, Ando K, Shinjo R, Yagi H, Hida T, Ito K, Ishikawa Y, Ishiguro N.
    J Orthop Sci. 2015 Nov;20(6):967-72.
  103. Nogo receptor 1 is expressed in both primary cultured glial cells and neurons.
    Ukai J, Imagama S, Ohgomori T, Ito Z, Ando K, Ishiguro N, Kadomatsu K.
    Nagoya J Med Sci. 2016 Aug;78(3):303-11.
  104. Spinal sagittal balance substantially influences locomotive syndrome and physical performance in community-living middle-aged and elderly women.
    Muramoto A, Imagama S, Ito Z, Hirano K, Ishiguro N, Hasegawa Y.
    J Orthop Sci. 2016 Mar;21(2):216-21.


  1. 2nd ICBMR Guilin China 2004.3
    Rate of correct diagnosis for vertebral fractures in elderly patients:plain roentgenograms compared with MRI
    Ito Z, Harada A, Matsui Y, Takemura M, Wakao N, Ishiguro N
  2. 1st APBM Kagawa 2004.6
    Rate of correct diagnosis for vertebral fractures in elderly patients:plain roentgenograms compared with MRI
    Ito Z, Harada A, Matsui Y, Takemura M, Wakao N, Ishiguro N
  3. 33th ISSLS Norway 2006.6
    Rate of correct diagnosis for vertebral fractures in elderly patients:plain roentgenograms compared with MRI
    Ito Z, Harada A, Matsui Y, Takemura M, Wakao N, Ishiguro N
  4. 34th ISSLS Hong Kong 2007.6
    What is the risk factor worsening low back pain? ?A longitudinal study in a year-
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Yoshihara H, Sakai Y, Nakamura H, Katayama Y , Ishiguro N.
  5. COE international conference Nagoya 2007.10
    Lack of 5D4-keratan sulfate synthesis promotes neuronal axon regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Kadomatsu K, Sakai Y, Katayama Y , Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  6. 54th ORS Sanfrancisco 2008.3
    Lack of 5D4-keratan sulfate synthesis promotes neuronal axon regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Kadomatsu K, Sakai Y, Katayama Y , Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  7. Euro CSRS Geneva 2008.5
    New Criteria of Compound muscle action potential for warning point in the spine surgery
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Katayama Y , Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  8. 35th ISSLS Geneva 2008.5
    Bone union rate with autogenous iliac bone vs. local bone graft in posterior lumber interbody fusion(PLIF)
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Katayama Y , Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  9. 7th Combined Meeting of the APOA Korea 2008.6
    New Criteria of Compound muscle action potential for warning point in the spine surgery
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Katayama Y , Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  10. 8th Pacific Asian Society of Minimally invasivespine surgery Bali 2008.8
    New Criteria of Compound muscle action potential for warning point in the spine surgery
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Sakai Y, Katayama Y , Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  11. 36th ISSLS Miami 2009.5
    Is there a difference in grafted bone volume between fused and non-fused cases in posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF)?
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  12. 57th ORS LA 2011.1
    Pedicle screws can be 4 times stronger than lateral mass screws for insertion in the mid-cervical spine: a biomechanical study
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  13. 24th ISTA Bergium 2011.9
    Pedicle screws can be 4 times stronger than lateral mass screws for insertion in the mid-cervical spine: a biomechanical study
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  14. AAOS Sanfrancisco 2012.3
    Relationship between Waveform Changes and Reduction in MMTin Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Wakao N, Ishiguro N.
  15. 39th ISSLS Amsterdam 2012.5
    What Are the Risk Factors of Pseudoarthrosis in PLIF?
    Ito Z, Imagama S, Ishiguro N.
  16. IMAST Turkey 2012.7
    Relationship between Waveform Changes and Reduction in MMTin Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Ishiguro N.
  17. ISIN Verona 2012.10
    Relationship between Waveform Changes and Reduction in MMTin Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Ishiguro N.
  18. ISIN South Africa 2013.10
    Usefulness of Multi-Channels in Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring
    - Multi-center Study by the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research -
    Ito Z, Matsuyama
  19. SSVH Vietnam 2014.12
    What Are the Risk Factors of Pseudoarthrosis in PLIF?
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Ishiguro N.
  20. AAOS Lasvages 2015.3
    How to prevent paresis of OPLL?
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Ishiguro N.
  21. 50th SRS Minneapolis 2015.10
    Usefulness of Multi-Channels in Intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring
    - Multi-center Study by the Monitoring Committee of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research -
    Ito Z, Matsuyama
  22. EANS Madrid 2015.10
    What Are the Risk Factors of Pseudoarthrosis in PLIF?
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y, Imagama S, Ishiguro N.
  23. SSVH Vietnam 2015.12
    How to prevent paresis of OPLL?
    Ito Z, Matsuyama Y
  24. 2nd ASEAN MISST Thai Bangkok 2016.7
    The utility of percutaneous endoscopic laminoplasty.
    Ito Z